Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accidents

Whether you ride recreationally on weekends or commute to work every day, motorcycling can be dangerous. The danger is compounded by drivers of passenger vehicles who disregard their responsibility to share the road with motorcyclists.

An average of 90,000 motorcycle riders are injured in accidents every year. Many of those accidents result from careless drivers who fail to yield to motorcycle riders. Motorcycle accident victims who are injured by negligent drivers have the right to pursue compensation, as do families of motorcyclists who are killed due to the fault of a careless driver. Motorcycle accident lawyers are available to defend your rights.

Motorcycle Accident | Alana Anzalone Law Offices, LLC
Motorcycle Accident | Alana Anzalone Law Offices, LLC

Facts about motorcycle accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), only 3% of registered vehicles are motorcycles. In 2013, however, 14% of all traffic accident fatalities involved motorcycle riders or motorcycle passengers. Per mile traveled, motorcycle deaths occurred 26 times more often than deaths of occupants of other vehicles.

It is difficult to say whether certain kinds of motorcycles are more likely to be involved in a crash. More standard or cruiser models were involved in crashes in 2013 than any other type, but they are also more prevalent than other types of motorcycles. It may be telling, however, that “supersport” models (high performance bikes that are built for speed) occupied the second spot in fatal motorcycle accidents.

Types of motorcycle accidents

Motorcycle accidents can be broken into two broad categories: those involving a collision between a motorcycle and at least one other vehicle (multiple-vehicle accidents) and those that only involve the motorcyclist (single-vehicle accidents). Examples of single-vehicle accidents include:


“Sliding out” occurs when a motorcycle slides across the pavement after the front or rear tire loses its grip on the road. A “lowsider” crash occurs when the side of the motorcycle nearest the ground hits the road. They usually occur when a rider loses control on a curve or turn.


A “highsider” occurs when the rear wheel loses traction and suddenly regains its grip on the road, causing the motorcycle to move violently. Highsiders often sending the rider flying off the bike.


Collisions with a fixed object. Striking the guard rail at the side of the road is a common example.

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